Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Regarding Friday, September 5 practice session

To all Violists and Agents:

The Practice session will still be at Friday, but the what concerns us now is WHERE we will practice. The idea running through the us, the J.A.R. group is that we could practice in Ms. A's room, as referred to by Agent R and I, but we will have to see about that because it will be used by Mr. Fernandez and his elementary disciples until 3:15. I, or the other J.A.R. group members, will talk with him to see if it is possible to practice in the room after he is done. Of course, there is the band room Agent A suggested, so we can consider that too. There is no guarentees of obtaining one of the rooms for our purposes, so if we can't use any of them, then we'll have to just cram ourselves into one of the practice rooms. any other ideas will be supported(I think).

Agent J, OUT!


Anna said...

Elementary disciples? Really.

Yes, we'll have to see about the rooms, but we'll figure something out.

Jeff said...

That is right Agent A!

Jeff said...

Yes. They ARE his elementary disciples.